1. DIY HOME SERVER - Linux - Tips & Tricks
When creating a home server based on Proxmox, you’ll probably want to install multiple Linux based virtual machines or LXC containers.
Let’s explore some tips to make them more useful.
When creating a Linux based VM or container in Proxmox, you can access their terminal through the Proxmox VNC console. But it’s often more practical to use SSH.
There are multiple decent open source SSH clients available to get access to your VM’s or container. Use either PuTTY, Solar-PuTTY or nRemoteNG.
In case you’re not able to establish a SSH connection to the VM or container, then it’s most likely because there’s no SSH server installed on the VM or container or it’s installed but not properly configured.
In Proxmox, select the VM or container and open the Console.
Log in using the password created during installation of the VM or container.
Execute the following commands :
apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt install openssh-server -y
Then open the ssh config file for editing :
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
To enable password authentication, uncomment or add :
PasswordAuthentication yes
To enable root login, uncomment or add :
PermitRootLogin yes
To enable SSH key login, uncomment or add :
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
Then save the file and exit.
Restart the service by using :
systemctl restart ssh
Then exit the console and log in again, this time using your favorite SSH client.
In (mostly desktop) virtual machines or LXC containers with an active firewall installed, you may have to enable incomming SSH before making the final connection.
When creating a Linux based desktop virtual machine, you can use RDP to access the desktop.
There are multiple decent open source RDP clients available to get access to your VM. I use nRemoteNG.
In case you’re not able to establish a RDP connection to the VM or container, then it’s most likely because there’s no RDP server installed on the VM.
apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt install xrdp xorgxrdp -y
echo env -u SESSION_MANAGER -u DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS cinnamon-session>~/.xsession
Reboot the VM.
Then exit the console and log in again, this time using your favorite RDP client. In virtual machines with an active firewall installed, you may have to enable incomming RDP before making the final connection.