1. TECHNICS - VW - ODB2 ELM327 Bluetooth Adapter
Modern Volkswagen (VW) cars have a ODB2 on-board diagnostic connector.
You can attach a cheap ELM327 ODB2 Bluetooth Adapter to this connector and use an free Android App to read and even clear your cars diagnostic error messages.
2. TECHNICS - VW - ODB2 Android App
I can recommend the Car Scanner ELM OBD2 App for use on your Android or iPhone smartphone. Please support the author by bying the Pro version, it’s only a small fee (3.90 €).
Activate Bluetooth on your phone and open the app.
In a next post, we’ll explain how to replace a faulty Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) differential pressure sensor on a 2017 VW Tiguan Mark 2.